Attendance and Registration Rates

Event format

We are pleased to host PASC25 as an in-person event at FHNW Campus Brugg-Windisch, Switzerland.

All conference contributors presenting work at the conference, are required to register for in-person participation and to cover the corresponding fee. Presenters should thus plan to travel to Brugg and present their work on-site. Online attendance is intended exclusively for participants who do not present any work within the conference program.

Please note that plenary sessions are being streamed by the venue A/V team and remote attendees will be able to ask questions via the conference digital event platform; however the streaming for parallel sessions (minisymposia and paper presentations) will be handled via Zoom by PASC25 volunteer staff on a best-effort basis within the limits of the organizational feasibility. Since the program has been designed for in-person participation, remote attendees will always be able to see the slides and listen to the presenter, but the streaming will not capture the room and the interactions with the audience. We will make an effort to use the microphone to repeat questions asked by the audience. Remote participants will be able to ask questions via Zoom. Plenary presentations, as well as parallel presentations will be recorded and made available to registered participants via the conference digital event platform.

The Poster Session and Reception at the end of Tuesday, June 17, is intended exclusively for in-person attendees.

We very much look forward to welcoming you to Brugg in June 2025!

The registration portal will open in the beginning of April.


Registration rates

  • Early bird registration deadline: May 15, 2025
  • Registration deadline: May 30, 2025

In-person Attendance Registration Rates

The registration rate comprises access to all sessions, conference materials, coffee breaks and three lunches.


Early Registration

Regular Registration

Students (Bachelors, Masters and PhD) and Unwaged

320.00 CHF

370.00 CHF

Employees of Universities and National Labs (incl. Postdocs)

450.00 CHF

550.00 CHF


550.00 CHF

650.00 CHF

* Scientific Committee Members

270.00 CHF

330.00 CHF

Online Attendance Registration Rates

Online attendance is intended exclusively for participants who do not present any work within the conference program.


Early Registration

Regular Registration

Students (Bachelors, Masters and PhD) and Unwaged

170.00 CHF

190.00 CHF

Employees of Universities and National Labs (incl. Postdocs)

270.00 CHF

320.00 CHF


320.00 CHF

370.00 CHF

* Scientific Committee Members

110.00 CHF

150.00 CHF


Please note that registration rates cannot be refunded.